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The Perfect Puppy

Training Program

online puppy training

The Best Online Puppy Training

The best online puppy training courses are finding the right balance between what an owner wants and also what the puppy needs, so both the owner and the puppy learn at the same time making the journey fun and educational.

An online puppy training course is a great training resource for a new puppy owner who is torn between having a personal one to one visit or going to a puppy training class locally.

With a personal visit you will have have everything covered to set your puppy up for success covering a wide range of training topics that a puppy needs to set you and your puppy up for success for now and the future.

With a training class, many do a great job, but generally just cover obedience and lead walking and its also normally at a lower cost to a personal visit.

Though these classes don’t normally cover socialisation, habituation and all the inside the home stuff that an owner normally needs.

Due to this the owner will then surf the internet and get many conflicting answers from various websites that really just want to advertise their click ads and not give away the correct information.

Now this is one of the reasons why I put together The Perfect Puppy Training Plan!

It combines everything you would receive from a home visit like knowing how to toilet train, how to stop biting, how to feed the right way, how to discipline in a force free manner, how to socialise correctly, how to calm a puppy down, how to lead walk and tons more.

Plus, also incorporating the obedience and training aspects you would normally see in a training class through watching videos and doing it yourself at home.

If your in the middle and torn between both options, and you don’t feel a training class offers everything you need, but want the knowledge and training you would receive from a personal visit, but would rather do it yourself by following simple instructions and videos, then The Perfect Puppy Training Plan is for you!

With over 140 lessons over an 8 week period there is plenty to do to set your new puppy up for success!

With The Perfect Puppy Training Plan you are investing in your puppy, because as well as obedience training your puppy needs, it also needs loads and loads of life experiences now, to help your puppy be stress free when it is an adult dog.

This is because your puppy will learn extremely quickly pre 16 weeks of age compared to the rest of its life.

So what you will learn within this 8 week course is like giving your puppy a booster shot against behaviour problems for the future, as you’re aiming to prevent problems from occurring by doing the right training and education now.

How Much Is That Worth To You And Your Puppy?

Associations I am partnered with

Oldham Dog Trainer
Bury Dog Trainer
Manchester Dog Trainer


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07843 593613

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